All of the following opinions on the best ICO to invest in are my own. If you take a position in any of these coins in response to this article, I cannot be held liable for any loss or gain incurred. I will have a position in many of these ICOs as well as others not mentioned below. Good luck to you all!
With new ICOs and Token Sales coming out every week, it’s difficult to pick out the real winners from the bad apples. While many of the ICOs do end up being a great buy, there are many more that fail miserably and make you lose your money.
In order to make sure this doesn’t happen, I compiled a list of the ICOs I believe have the strongest chance of coming out on top and executing a successful Token Sale. I picked these by looking at the current blockchain landscape and finding out which industries are still ripe for the picking.
Protect Yourself Against Hackers: Get A Secure Usb Key Wallet
If these recommendations help you make money please consider donating some bitcoin to the following address:
Best ICOs To Invest In
While there is no single best ICO to invest in, there are many that will come out to take their place amongst the top 50 cryptocurrencies on LINK over the short to medium term.
I chose these ICOs using the following criteria.
While this list is not exhaustive, it provides us with a strong framework from which we can choose the best ICOs to invest in. Here are the 5 most important criteria.
Real Life Use Cases. Does the coin offer a real life use? Some coins are used as a store of value (like Bitcoin, Dash, ZCash, Etc.) while others are used for entirely different purposes, such as SOMA with their decentralized social marketplace. Make sure to invest in ICOs that have a future use, and aren’t simply another replica of some of the existing coins. We’ll cover some of these examples below.
Strong Development Team. The developers are the most important part of the equation. Are they actively developing the blockchain technology? Is there a growing community of developers working on the project? Is the team made up of legitimate people with a proven track record of success? Always do your due diligence before investing in an ICO.
Security of the network. If it’s on it’s own blockchain, are there enough network nodes? Is it an ERC20 token? Is there a system in place to ensure that the blockchain network will always have enough people to remain decentralized? If you can’t answer yes to these questions, then don’t invest in the ICO.
Communication. Does the team communicate with its investors on their slack channel and subreddit? Does the team have a clear growth map in place? Is there a community slack where you can learn about the latest development? These are some questions to keep in mind.
Coin was not significantly pre-mined. Often the development team takes a large portion of the pie. It is important to stay close to the community to see what the general feeling about this is and make sure they don’t take too much.
If You Keep Your Coins On An Exchange You Will Eventually Get Hacked!
Best ICOs To Invest In – Fall 2017
With the above criteria in mind, I came up with a list of ICOs I believe will come out on top. It also allows you to diversify your portfolio, having coins that offer completely different benefits. Make sure you keep your ERC20 coins in a safe wallet on a usb key, such as these ones.
HireMatch. HireMatch is developing a proprietary algorithm that will enable the creation of a blockchain-based worldwide recruitment platform. This will allow for strong matching of job applicants and job offers. The data that the blockchain logs will then be able to be used as a constant feedback loop, helping the platform become better on a continuous basis. Their bounty program is going live in a few days so it’s a great opportunity to make a bunch of tokens as an ambassador.
ICO Date – October 1st – October 31st
Token – HIRE – Erc20 Token
Supply – 78 Million Tokens
Price – 1800 Tokens per ETH
How To Stay Up To Date – Slack Channel & FB Page
Soma. The Next Web compared Soma’s technology to that of the Amazon of tomorrow. If that doesn’t say enough I am not sure what does! Soma is developing a decentralized social market place where anyone can sell anything. It’s like Pinterest meets Craigslist meets Amazon. I will definitely be investing in this upcoming ICO. They also have a great bounty program in place which is worth a look.
ICO Date – September 26th
Token – SCT – Erc20 Token
Supply – 54 Million Tokens
Price – 450 Tokens per ETH
How To Stay Up To Date – Slack Channel & FB Page
Grid+. Ethereum-based blockchain tech that will allow people to buy and sell energy to the grid. There are already a few existing projects doing a similar thing but I feel this one has a strong chance of piercing the market due to its partnerships and strong community.
ICO Date – Late October
Token – GRID – Erc20 Token
Supply – 90,000,000
Price – 1$/Token
How To Stay Up To Date – Slack Channel
Why do I offer this information? To help you grow your career through travel.
Only Invest In ICOs With What You Can Afford To Lose
ALL ICOs ARE RISKY. I cannot make it clear enough that you should not invest money you aren’t willing to lose. For example, the ICO could do well at first and then crash because it doesn’t follow it’s roadmap. Or you could lose 80% of its value after regulation against ICOs come into play like what happened in China.
Nevertheless I have already seen a return of over 800% since initiating my position in most of these coins, and believe this is only the beginning. You could also get hacked, especially if you are not leaving your coins on a separate usb key wallet.
I leave the rest in your hands. Learn how to invest in an ICO by joining the respective slack channels and asking the moderators for precise information. Furthermore feel free to read the article below to learn more about some of the best cryptocurrencies to invest in. If you have any comments, questions or concerns don’t hesitate to leave a comment below!
If these recommendations help you make money please consider donating some bitcoin to the following address: 1DLNEM5bMgWjCouNWRmpYPPLuDAWDMhdny
Up Next: Best Cryptocurrencies To Invest In
Disclaimer: I will take a position in many of the ICOs above. I was not paid to write this article and was not paid by any of the featured ICOs.
Until Next Time,
The Alternative Ways
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